12. Recall


07 Recall SC V1

Recall Quiz

In this image, the blue points are labelled positive, and the red points are labelled negative.
Furthermore, the points on top of the line are predicted to be positive, and the points below the line are predicted to be negative.
_Note:_ This image has one extra point than the one in the video. This is the correct image.

In this image, the blue points are labelled positive, and the red points are labelled negative.
Furthermore, the points on top of the line are predicted to be positive, and the points below the line are predicted to be negative.
Note: This image has one extra point than the one in the video. This is the correct image.

Recall Quiz


What is the recall of the linear model above? Please write your number as a decimal, like 0.45 or as a fraction, like 3/5.


These answers need to be solved by yourself, I believe you can do it